Friday, December 12, 2014

News are Fun for Everyone!

My Topic
Everyday we see events around the world being reported on our TVs and written in our papers, but sometimes the reporters and journalists put too much emphasis on one specific event. Now usually over dramatizing something and giving too much information tends to be fine, but when this can lead to potential disasters, there needs to be an end put to this.
Most of the time when people think news they think "boring!" But for me, news are far from boring-- they are intriguing and keep me up to date with events around the world. I mean, who wouldn't want to know what's going on around the world? News are a topic I am passionate about, but way to frequently, the media blows them out of proportion and so I choose this topic because I want others to see what I see-- sometimes it's just TOO much! I choose to write about the media blowing news out of proportion and sharing too much information in order to inform you, but now that your informed here are some ways we can work to make a difference:

  1. It is crucial to spread the news (Pun intended!). If we spread the news about the news, we are gaining a bigger following-- bringing attention to our cause.
  2. Research opportunities to get involved with your local news station.
  3. Write a letter with your concerns to your local representative.
We can't do much to stop reporters and journalists from over dramatizing news reports and events, but by informing others and spreading the word we are doing our part. Once we make the cause big enough, we can gain the attention of various news stations and news papers so that they are prompted to see their mistakes and make a change.

So... what inspired me to write a blog about this topic?
For my college English class, we had to choose a topic we were passionate about and write a 6-10 page research paper about it. I choose to write about the media and new coverage because of a case I read last year. Being a part of my school Speech and Debate Team, I am used to reading cases and analyzing them all the time, but last year one of our cases was "Media and Mass Murder Coverage." The case discussed events like Columbine Massacre, the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, the Virginia Tech shooting, and most recently, the Boston Marathon Bombing. All of this are major events that left a mark on the world, but the media seems to put just too much emphasis on them, which can and has led to attempts at recreating the traumatic events.

My classmates also wrote about topics that they were passionate about and their blogs can be found at:

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